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  kellisa26 wrote @

I am a 23 year old MPC student at the University of Western Sydney.
Born in Barbados, I have decided to persue my Masters Degree in Australia for a millions of reasons :).

This blog is part of my coursework and it focuses on non traditional advertising – does it hurt or help the brand.

  roudim wrote @

Kellisa, good idea. What is non-traditional advertising? And what is traditional?

  kellisa26 wrote @

One might wonder what’s the difference between these two forms advertising. Does non traditional advertising target what I like to call the “Energizer Bunny generation” Generation Y a.ka. Millennials (we just keep going from one thing to another) as well as Generation X and Z and traditional advertising cater to the Baby Boomer and Silent Generation?
To some extent yes and no, the trick is knowing who your target market is, what they want, and how they look for that information.

Advertising is meant to persuade potential buyers to consume or purchase a particular brand, product and or service. “Advertising is thus a cultural industry which uses the media to connect the producers of consumer goods and services with potential markets” John Sinclair The Media & Communications in Australia.

But as the world grows and we as human beings have become more advanced, so has the way our everyday good and services are advertised.

Our media is delivered to us in many ways such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, cinema, billboards and ofcourse the internet.
Traditional includes most of these elements – radio, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboard while non traditional advertising adds cinema, the web, outdoor structures, sky writing, bus wraps and pretty much everything “out of the box” to their mix.

Here are some examples of each.

Non traditional advertising is interactive with it pubilcs, it incorprates and helps to create new technologies and ideas, it feeds off of our pop culture to become the next hot ticket on the market. It brings something new to our blazay everyday life.
Here is a pretty cool example of non traditional advertising. It comes from domestic airline Jet Blue, they decided before they create a new advertising campaign they wanted to get feed back from passengers so they created a Story Booth in Rockerfeller Centre NYC (the booth was also moved onto many other different states) where people can sit and record their toughts, opinions and experiences

Just because it’s not as flashy or might not have that wow affect traditional advertising is not necessarily boring or trageted to the Boomers or SG’s like this repetitive McDonald’s commerical

Here is an example of traditional and non traditional advertising using the same media – billboards
Traditional – Asking for support for US troops

Non traditional – Addidas Billboard

Having seeing an examples of the each one might wonder why are companies resorting to spend more money (millions) creating these different pieces, doesn’t a simple tv ad or newspaper ad work any more. Is traditional advertising dead? Think about it..until next time 🙂

If it’s got four wheels, travels on the road, you put gas in it and it can take you from point A to point B you call it a car, don’t cha.

  roudim wrote @

I see your point. Do you mean the Adidas Billboard is non-traditional because (what I see) you get the brand from the context and background and not from any direct message?

  kellisa26 wrote @

As we all know,billboard advertising is by no means a new form of communication. Along the highways in many cities in the world, there are clusters of billboards promoting a range of products.
Before I answer your questions roudim, here’s some quick background information on the campaign.
The billboard was a another element of Adidas’ integrated markerting communications plan for their “Impossible is Nothing” campaign, which encouraged people in taking the first steps to reaching their own impossible dreams.

I used the Adidas Billboard as an example of non-traditional advertising for a few reasons.
1. The image used
2. The shape and size

Adidas chose to use the image of German goalkeeper, Oliver Kahn stopping the football. I’m not the biggest football fan so please correct me if I am wrong, but Germany not only proudly hosted the World Cup but showed great potential in winning (they placed 3rd) and by using the image of one of their highly praised and most recognizable players not only excited the German market but all who entered via Munich.

What really set this billboard advertisment apart was it’s massive shape and size; not keeping with the traditional shape of most billboards (rectangular/square). Adidas could have decided to take another route by using the same image and placing it on a rectangular billboard, but by showing Khan in motion and allowing the billboard to take that particular shape achieved their goal and did what non-traditional advertising is supposed to do – it got the viewer’s attention without them expecting it.
The billboard was also placed in a situation where people would not typically expect to find it. Erected on the eve of FIFA World Cup 2006 the billboard ad was strategically placed on a bridge construction site located on the way to Munich airport.

As we all know and are continuing to learn how hard it is for companies, brands, and organizations to differentiate themselves from their competitors, I do not think Adidas needed to use a direct message as the creativity behind the image, how it was used and where it was positioned was a winning strategy.

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